Joining “The Winning Formula” is subject to conditions. Please confirm by signing this document you understand the conditions before proceeding in the course.
1.The owner of THE WINNING FORMULA, its members, and its moderators are NOT FCA accredited, registered as brokers or investment advisors either within the U.K or the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or with any state securities or regulatory authorities Any advice taken in the group is of your own accord.
2.You assume the entire cost and risk of any trading you choose to undertake and you are solely responsible for making your own investment decisions. Practicing risk management is your responsibility when entering any trade or investment.
3.We cannot guarantee any profits or gains through TWF analysis and due diligence.
4.You understand that Trading is risky and you acknowledge and understand the risk associated with trading stocks, options, bonds, cryptocurrency or any other form of security is your own responsibility.
5.By being within THE WINNING FORMULA community, you are confirming your consent and agreement to our disclaimer and hereby confirm THE WINNING FORMULA and its principals, agents or affiliates from any losses that may be incurred from their own investment advice.